Sex is fucked

Jai Ram
3 min readAug 20, 2022


Love, Lust, and warped cultural programming

Photo by Romi Yusardi on Unsplash

Why is it that a child is more likely to see an act of violence or murder on television than they are a sexual act?

Why are we ok with that?

Why are we more likely to see a graphic shot of a head being ‘blown’ off than we are a head job? Blood and brain matter being blasted all over someones face is more commercially accepted than ejaculate.

Yes our attitudes to love and sex are fucked.

Maybe you already knew that but in case you didn’t it’s a useful reminder as we collectively continue to sleepwalk to an increasingly detached and dystopian future.

There is something seriously wrong when one of the most beautiful and loving acts between two humans is deemed more restricted viewing than violently taking someones life.

I’m not advocating that children should be deliberately showed sexual content by any means, however I find it bizarre that we live in a society where this is the order of priorities.

Of course this is just one of the ways in which we are ‘reverse’ culturally programmed from a young age to view certain key life themes in an unhealthy light. This is also the case for spirituality where certain religions emphasise external salvation at risk of damnation, and money where scarcity and other bogus psychological tactics are utilised to keep people locked into repeated unhealthy patterns.

But back to sex ;)

What do you remember being taught about it as you grew up? Did you grow up with a healthy and positive understanding of this powerful and most sacred act or did you wrestle with feelings of shame, guilt and self-consciousness? Unfortunately for many of us it was the latter.

Imagine a sex education that not only taught the necessary practicalities but also revealed the sacred and spiritual aspects. It would be a very very different world indeed. Maybe it would go a little something like this…..

“So listen up kids not only is sex incredibly pleasurable, fun and a totally awesome activity to share with people you like and love. It is also incredibly healing and sacred as fuck. In fact it’s a direct entry point into connecting with god. And by god I don’t mean Jesus or an old man with a beard in the clouds (unless that’s what you’d like it to be) but the greatest, highest most divine aspects of yourself and this entire universe. Every time you have sex you are directly working with the energy of creation. It is the potential for new life. Not only in the physical sense of a child, but also to create new potentials within your own life. You see if we understand that sexual energy is in fact ‘life-force energy’ we can use it to create and manifest all kinds of beautiful and amazing things in our world. Sex is Magical. Sex is Magick. That’s why Sex Magick is part of the week 3 curriculum here at the most awesome school ever that is yet to practically exist (yet). So instead of focusing on some random Hungarian porn actor with fake appendages faking feign interest in their experience focus on the beautiful feelings within your own body, your love for yourself, your love for another, your love for life etc and then start to watch what happens to your world as you become a real life horny Harry Potter”.

Namaste bitches.

