The 8th Sphere

Jai Ram
4 min readJan 27, 2022
The 8th Sphere

The year is 2025, society is split in half between the “shielded” and the “exposed”. The often wealthy shielded subset remain hidden away securely within gated communities and high rise buildings. Hardwired with the latest cutting edge nanotechnology, they are connected at all times to CENTRECOM, the now universal mainframe for navigating the global digital landscape. All needs are provided by Centrecom, as your consciousness is uploaded into the cloud, and everything is conveniently monitored including health status, vitals, mood history, psychological tendencies and (most importantly) levels of resistance to the global ‘cause’. Physical travel has been severely restricted outside of the ZONE. Physical contact has been outlawed since 2022 as Centrecom continues to develop a new nano vax for COV-26, the most contagious and virulent strain of all so far.

The “exposed” exist only outside of the zone and are made up of those who voluntarily joined the resistance in 2022, criminals, outlaws, refugees and those with low or non existent Centrecom credit scores. Life outside the zone is further split into outlaw camps, renegade groups and freedom fighters. Life outside the zone is also anarchistic and dysregulated. Human contact is maintained amongst those who have developed psychic or physical resistance to the virus whilst others are shunned and left to die. Crime, murder and human trafficking are common place amongst the outskirts whilst new communities have been been forged and built deep within nature founded on the ancient ways of the time before the downfall.

The split (as they refer to it) has become a reflection of the increasing divide between futurism and re-wilding, of technology and nature. Each side chooses one as their answer to fear, or their prayer for the world. Those that seek to find a middle ground find it increasingly difficult due to the enhanced polarisation technology now being dispersed at higher frequencies than ever before. This emission is a 24/7 output of the highest military grade subliminal programming available. It is said that it is almost impossible to stay within the zone for more than 24hrs without switching unconsciously into a state of full compliance.

For nature based communities outside of the zone the ability to find ‘stillness’ amongst chaos is a prized and valued attribute above all else. Those with the natural ability to filter implanted collective programs and thought forms are known as ‘seers’. They are able to share this ability with others through touch and extended presence within the same field. Unsurprisingly ‘seers’ are a highly valued and rare commodity for the leading black magi operating within what is known by some as ‘The Order’. This order is said by some that know to be the highest connection in a very long chain of global control. Their lesser known occult agenda is to trap the consciousness of every human within the 8th Sphere, a non-physical realm that exists within the earth. This sphere is a regressive and very dense field of consciousness also described as ‘the rein of quantity’. In essence nothing can exist within this sphere that is not measurable and anything else beyond that ceases to exist. It is scepticism, nihilism, atheism, and transhumanism condensed and boiled down into giant heavy black mass that leaves no space for consciousness, spirit, and soul to exist. It’s greatest powerful ally being that of AI and it’s ability to further pull human consciousness into a purely digital realm, separated and cut off from any connection to earth.

Whilst no one has ever lived to share any inner knowledge of this shadow group the seers that still remain are well aware of them through their attempts to attack them through the astral realms. ‘The Order’ is very aware that their ability to gain full control of the collective consciousness rests on the complete abolition of the ways of the seer. This includes the ability to access, teach, or share the 5D transmissions of the higher heart frequency. This light frequency (much like the virus) is also highly transmissible, particularly amongst the younger generation with less exposure to Centrecom’s programming.

And so the greater war continues beyond the dualistic polarisation most are identifying with. This secret war between those connected to the 8th Sphere and those connected to the higher heart field. As the saying goes it is always the darkest before dawn, and within this time of darkness there still remains a glimmer of light. The 8th Sphere is not without any vulnerability. There is said to be a hole in the sphere, a small window of hope and opportunity that will remain open until 2037. The emergence of light and the subsequent dissolution of the 8th sphere exists as a seed of potential within every human heart on this planet. This blueprint is encoded within our very DNA as sovereign beings who emerged from the source of all that is and all that ever was. It is the remembrance of who we truly are. Will you choose to remember?

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Jai Ram

Truth Seeker, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Mentor. To support my work: